It's been a while since I wrote in this medium. But I've been writing.
Since I last posted on this blog, I've written 13,287 emails, each one carefully constructed so as to convey exactly the write information with exactly the right facial expressions. (That number is totally bogus - but I bet it's pretty close.)
Since I last posted on this blog, I've written 178 pages in a journal. Okay, it's not one journal. It's more like a hodgepodge of Google Docs, spare notebook pages from old journals, yellow legal pad pages, and words I threw up on the Notes application on my phone that is synced with my computer(s). (That number is also totally bogus, but I bet it's pretty close.)
Since I last posted on this blog, I've written about 3 pages of a story that I'm working on with a dear friend of mine, something on the side. This side project has us both jazzed and has us thinking that we actually might have something unique that we can contribute to the world of people who read. (That number is spot on.)
Since I last posted on this blog, I've written text messages to my son and my wife and my friends and my brother and my father. These are a mix of witty repartee, completely factual and informative correspondence, preparative planning, and just plain old "Hey, howzitgoin'?" (I didn't actually write that one, but I've written in short-cut lingo just to dazzle my friends and family with the fact that I might actually send something with short-cut lingo. The layers are manifold.)
Since I last posted on this blog, I've thought 339 times how much I liked it when I was regularly posting on this blog, and that I should probably do it again. Soon. The first of the 339 was about a week after my last blog post. The last was just before I typed "It's been a while since I wrote in this medium. But I've been writing." (That number? Bogus.)
The point of this blog post? Simply to post something on the blog, punch the keyboard a bit and see if the three people out there who were reading this blog might read it again. The point, as I've mentioned in a previous post, is to continue doing what I need to do, what I need to find time to do. I need to write a bit now and then. And so I write a bit. Sometimes the words have profound meaning, and sometimes, like now, there really is no meaning aside from my need to fit words together. So there it is: A new blog post. Perhaps in the next one I'll have something to say, besides "Howzitgoin'."
As "one of the three people out there who were reading this blog," it's good to see you back on the interwebs, Mr. West. You're the type of writer that can't hide behind the insecurities with which so many of us wrestle--the "Who even wants to read my stuff?" and the "I'm prolly not even good enough." Keep 'em coming, my man. Keep 'em coming.
ReplyDeleteNot sure if I should re-tweet, +1, or "like" this post, but my Blogger interest just went up a bit. Thanks for sharing.